How To Increase Mileage Of Bike? Tips To Improve Fuel Efficiency

How to increase the mileage of a bike? Everyone seems to be asking this question due to increased petrol prices these days.

If the constant increase in petrol prices is also affecting your monthly petrol expenses then you are reading the right article. Or if your motorcycle is returning a low mileage then also you are at the right place. Because in this article, I will tell you about all the possible reasons for low mileage in bikes. Not only this but I will also share some very useful tips to improve the fuel efficiency of your bike instantly.

So keep reading!

What Is Mileage Of Bike?

So let’s start from the very beginning. Do you know what the mileage of a bike actually means?

In simple words, the number of kilometers a bike can run on 1 liter of petrol is known as its mileage. In India, sometimes the mileage is also referred to as the average of the bike.

For eg. If your bike runs for 45 kilometers on 1 liter of petrol, then its mileage is 45 kmpl (kilometer per liter). As simple as that.

Also Read: How To Calculate The Mileage Of A Bike?

What Are The Reasons For Low Mileage In Bikes?

The following reasons can affect and decrease the mileage of your bike:
1. Tyre pressure
2. Quality of fuel
3. Riding style
4. Bike servicing
5. Parts lubrication
6. Engine oil
7. Bike modification

The causes for the low mileage of bikes can be mainly categorized into three parts:

  1. Riding Style: How you ride your bike affects its fuel efficiency greatly. This includes how you accelerate, how you apply brakes, at what RPMs you ride your bike, and so on.
  2. Bike Maintenance: How have you maintained your bike also affects its mileage. This includes the tire pressure in the bike, the service schedule of the bike, lubrication between parts, engine oil, and so on.
  3. Quality Of Fuel: The quality of fuel you fill in your bike also determines its mileage.

Let me now tell you about the reasons that fall into these main categories in detail.

1) Tyre Pressure

Tires are the main contact point between the bike and the road. Therefore the tyre pressure that you are maintaining in your bike affects its mileage to a great extent.

Low tire pressure means there will be greater friction between the tyres and the road. And the greater the friction lesser will be the fuel efficiency of the bike.

2) Bike Servicing

Reasons For Low Mileage In Bikes

Whether you are getting your bike serviced at regular intervals or not also affects its fuel efficiency. If you don’t get it serviced timely then the bike will not perform well and will not return the mileage that it should.

3) Engine Oil

The type of engine oil that you use in your bike also determines its fuel efficiency. Not using the right engine oil will decrease the mileage of your bike.

Alo if you don’t get the engine oil replaced timely then also your bike will not return good mileage.

4) Parts Lubrication

Another possible reason behind the low mileage of your bike can be the lubrication between parts. If you don’t lubricate the parts of your motorcycle timely, especially the chain, then also your bike will return low mileage.

Not well-lubricated parts create a lot of friction and make the engine of the bike work harder.

5) Riding Style

Riding Style Affects The Mileage Of The Bike

How you accelerate or brake also affects the mileage of your bike. If you do a lot of sudden acceleration or braking then you can not expect a good mileage.

Sudden accelerations put a lot of stress on the engine and make it eat a lot of fuel. And braking suddenly breaks the momentum of the bike. As a result, it consumes fuel to reach the same speed again when you accelerate.

Also if you ride your bike at lower gears but high speeds then it will return very low fuel efficiency.

6) Bike Modification

Yes, believe it or not, but modifying a bike also decreases its mileage.

Modifications like installing crash guards, or other parts on the bike increase the weight of the bike. And the greater the weight on the bike, the less mileage it will return, because there will be more stress on its engine.

Not only this but these additional parts also affect the aerodynamics of the bike. Because there is more surface area exposed to the air now. The more the surface area the more air resistance it will create. And as a result, the less mileage will your bike return.

And if you always ride with a pillion then also you will get low fuel efficiency figures from your motorcycle.

Electrical modifications like LED lights also decrease the mileage of a bike. Yes, you heard that right. More electrical components mean more load on the battery. Which in turn means the battery of your bike will drain fast and will require faster charging.

If you don’t know then let me tell you the battery of your bike gets charged by taking the energy from the engine. And the more energy that it takes the less mileage your bike will return.

7) Fuel Quality

Use Good Quality Fuel

Many of us don’t pay attention to this but the quality of fuel that we fill in the motorcycle affects its mileage. You may be doing everything right but if the fuel is not right then you will not at all get a good fuel efficiency out of your bike.

Can You Improve Fuel Efficiency Of Bike?

Now you know about the possible causes behind the low mileage of your bike. The next question that you must be wondering about is: Can you improve the fuel efficiency of your bike?

Yes, you can improve the fuel efficiency of your bike instantly by just taking care of a few things.

As discussed, the mileage of the bike depends on a lot of factors. Therefore if you just take care of those factors then the fuel efficiency of your bike will increase.

Let me tell you how to increase the mileage of a bike.

How To Increase Mileage Of Bike?

As discussed, you just have to take care of some factors to increase the mileage of your bike. Let me tell you how you can do that. And once you start taking care of these factors then do not forget to check out our vehicle mileage calculator to calculate the fuel efficiency of your bike.

1) Maintain Tire Pressure

How To Increase Mileage Of Bike

The first thing that you should do is always maintain the right tire pressure on your motorcycle. Less tire pressure will decrease the mileage of your bike.

However, do not over-inflate your bike tires. Higher tire pressure will definitely increase the mileage of your bike but will decrease the grip on the road.

To know about the optimum tire pressure, refer to your bike’s user manual. Maintain the optimal tire pressure and always get it checked every 15 days.

2) Get Your Bike Serviced Regularly

The next thing that you should do is get your motorcycle serviced regularly. A well maintained bike will always return good fuel efficiency.

To check the service schedule of your bike, check its user manual. And always get the bike serviced by an authorized dealer or trusted mechanic. Also, remember to get the air filter clean in every service and replace the engine oil.

3) Choose The Right Kind Of Engine Oil

There are many types of engine oil available in the market. However, not every type is right for your bike.

Therefore make sure to use the right kind of engine oil for your motorcycle if you want the best mileage out of it.

If you don’t know how to choose the right kind of engine oil for your bike then watch my video below.

4) Lubricate The Parts Regularly

Lubricate the running parts of your bike regularly. If not lubricated well, the running parts create a lot of resistance and decrease the fuel efficiency of a bike.

So get the parts, especially the chain, of your bike lubricated every 30 days. You can also clean and lubricate your chain at home. To know how to do that, check out the video below.

5) Don’t Apply Sudden Accelerator Or Brakes

As discussed, sudden acceleration and braking can affect the mileage of a bike negatively. Therefore you should avoid applying sudden brakes or acceleration. Anticipate the road and drive accordingly to get the best mileage from your bike. Don’t ride the bike like a MotoGP racer.

6) Avoid Bike Modifications

Avoid Bike Modification

Modifications done to a bike can reduce its fuel efficiency to an extent. Therefore avoid unnecessary modifications if you want to increase the mileage of your bike.

Modifications that can reduce the mileage of your bike include installing heavy crash guards & installing additional LED lights.

7) Use Good Quality Fuel

Always fill the good quality of fuel in your bike to get the maximum mileage out of it. Right fuel will not only increase the mileage of your bike but will also increase the life of its engine.

If you want to know how to check if you are filling the right kind of fuel then check out my FREE Mileage Booster E-book. In this e-book, I have shared a method that can help you know the quality of the fuel. Not only this but you will also get more than 15 actionable tips to increase the mileage of your bike or car. So go ahead and claim your free e-book by clicking on the button below.

Get FREE Mileage Booster E-Book

Does The Bike Mileage Decrease With Age?

Yes, the mileage of a bike decreases with age if you don’t maintain it well.

Let’s understand how this happens.

With age, the parts of a bike get old and rusty. If you don’t clean and lubricate them well then they will start creating a lot of resistance. As discussed, the greater the resistance between the parts the more load gets transferred to the engine. Which in turn reduces the mileage of the bike.

Having said that, if you are maintaining your bike well then you will not have to worry about its mileage. It will keep returning the same fuel efficiency irrespective of its age.

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